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Epic Formula To Happiness

"Give me a quarter, I'll tell you your fortune!" That was the sign that was plastered on the crystal ball machine at the local town carnival I would go to year after year. I would visit the psychic booths for an oracle card reading and also receive a palm reading. The readers were very accurate and I found it fascinating how they could see the past and the future. They would always tell me the same thing: you have all the answers within you.

Now back to the quarter machine. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pop 25cents into a machine and your future would pop back out at you?! Well to be honest, I'm fairly certain that most people wouldn't actually want that because of course it would ruin all the fun! Although it is also fun to get a sneak peek into the future, wouldn't it be even more thrilling to customize something for ourselves that is way bigger and beyond our wildest dreams and actually get to live it?? Here are some facts:

  • 23% of the world population does not know what they want in life.

  • 67% of people have plans in their head but they do not have plans on paper

  • 10% of people have specific goals yet only 7 out of 10 reach their goals, half of the time

  • the top 3% achieve their goals 90% of the time

The studies shows that the only difference between the top performers and the rest was that the top performers wrote down their goals. This means that if more people write down their goals, they would achieve them!

This also means there are a whole lot of people out there roaming around doing this and that and not really getting the results they want and guess who they blame? themselves! even though there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with them! they just have a poor goal setting strategy!

You only need 3 things to get what you want in life:

  1. Know your core values in your life areas

  2. Rewire your belief systems to support your values

  3. Set s.m.a.r.t. goals into your future timeline that are completely aligned with your beliefs and core values

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for Specific, Measured, Achievable, Realistic, Timed

You see you must know what you value in your life areas in order to be able to know what you want. Once you know what you want you can create new empowering supportive belief systems by transforming your old unsupportive disempowering belief systems. Now that those two things are in alignment, your core values and your beliefs, you can set goals and "actually" achieve them!

It's so easy yet only 3% of the population use some form of goal setting. This 3 step process I've described above absolutely works! So if you are sitting on the fence wondering how you could have an epic life, get out a pen and paper and start writing down your dream ideal epic lifestyle! It all starts with your imagination which is your most powerful human tool! You want to use your intuition during the entire process for goal setting as well so you can align yourself for soul aligned goals. Your soul has a purpose here on Earth. We must be grounded to the earth to manifest our goals and desires to the physical realm, otherwise we are floating around lost at sea like a boat in the wind! Some people live the majority of their lives floating at sea............I invite you to get grounded in this world and set your goals into motion - reach for the stars! meet new highs! use energy transformation to quantum jump you there!

Close your eyes and feel yourself connecting to your heart. Imagine you are walking across a meadow through an open field on a slight incline up a hill. On the other side of the hill is your epic life. You walk to the top of the hill and as you peer over the top you see your epic life....from 3 simple steps

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