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Overcoming Obstacles Into Taking Action

We all get to that place in life where we need to take action to make any changes yet sometimes we just sit there. Why is that? Why do we refuse to make the necessary changes to shift our life? One possible reason is because we are in a comfort zone and since nothing major is happening in that moment we just do nothing. Another possible reason is because we might have hidden unconscious beliefs running in the background of our mind and we are unaware of them. Also if we do not have a future direction with a place to go or a destination with goals to get us there then we may lack the desire to make any forward movement. Perhaps the obstacle you are facing is so big that you cannot see beyond it and create fear that keeps you paralyzed, therefore you do nothing. All of these possibilities can be overcome once they are identified and a plan is made to move forward beyond them.

So now we have identified 4 things that might be stopping you from taking action:

1) staying in a comfort zone

2) hidden unconscious beliefs

3) lack of future planning with goals

4) fear of failure or fear of success - (what would happen if I did overcome this obstacle? what would happen if I didn't? type of thing)

One easy thing we can do to get some wiggle room for 'movement', because without action there is no change, is to reframe the word Obstacle. Imagine the word Obstacle and now imagine it changed to the word Opportunity and ask yourself:

1) "what is the opportunity that is presenting itself for me, right now?"

2) "what is there for me to learn here so that I never have to repeat it again?"

Notice how you feel and see

what has shifted inside...

Notice what you notice now knowing you have the power to change easily and quickly using the power of your mind. Imagine the opportunity, get the learning, take the internally guided action steps to get you on the other side of the Opportunity, be you transformed.

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